2,514 research outputs found

    Innovation Issues in Water, Agriculture and Food

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    In a worldwide context of ever-growing competition for water and land, climate change, droughts and man-made water scarcity, and less-participatory water governance, agriculture faces the great challenge of producing enough food for a continually increasing population. In this line, this book provides a broad overview of innovation issues in the complex water–agriculture–food nexus, thus also relative to their interconnections and dependences. Issues refer to different spatial scales, from the field or the farm to the irrigation system or the river basin. Multidisciplinary approaches are used when analyzing the relationships between water, agriculture, and food security. The covered issues are quite diverse and include: innovation in crop evapotranspiration, crop coefficients and modeling; updates in research relative to crop water use and saving; irrigation scheduling and systems design; simulation models to support water and agricultural decisions; issues to cope with water scarcity and climate change; advances in water resource quality and sustainable uses; new tools for mapping and use of remote sensing information; and fostering a participative and inclusive governance of water for food security and population welfare. This book brings together a variety of contributions by leading international experts, professionals, and scholars in those diverse fields. It represents a major synthesis and state-of-the-art on various subjects, thus providing a valuable and updated resource for all researchers, professionals, policymakers, and post-graduate students interested in the complex world of the water–agriculture–food nexus

    Shedding light on miRNA targeting through structure

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    In miRNAs, it is known that seed pairing is an important parameter for targeting, but there are still missing links on why it targets a certain mRNA and how the decision between degradation or translation repression is made. In our work, we use liquid state NMR spectroscopy, EMSA and UV melting experiments to biophysically characterise the complex of miRNA-34a with the target mRNA of CD44 and PNUTS. Here we present the NMR sample preparation as well as the first steps for the biophysical description of the mRNA.miRNA complexes. Our EMSA data suggests both miRNA.mRNA complexes are transient and miRNA.gCD44 possibility has a higher Kd then miRNA.PNUTS. Through NMR miRNA.PNUTS complex was deemed more structurally dynamic, yet interestingly with UV melting it had a higher Tm then miRNA.gCD44 complex. Finally, we also performed several simulations on several different mRNA targets with MCFold unveiling a kink on the mRNA as a structural trend which could be a necessity for docking of the duplex into Ago. Still further studies must be conducted in order to solve the structures of both duplexes in study and a bigger population of simulated structures must be collected

    Trânsitos culturais e diálogos de recriação entre obras cinematográficas e literárias: "la increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada"(1972), de Gabriel García Márquez, e Eréndira (1983), de Ruy Guerra

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos Latino- Americanos. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Bruno López Petzoldt.O objeto central de estudo assumido neste trabalho são os diálogos midiáticos e semióticos da relação cinema-literatura. Essa relação principal será observada tendo como pano de fundo representações ligadas ao imaginário cultural latino-americano. A partir de múltiplos fatores e modelos de estudo que incluem o cinema, busca-se analisar o movimento do processo criativo entre as obras “La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada” (1972), de García Márquez, e o filme Eréndira (1983), de Ruy Guerra. Para além de cuidar de uma relação de análise na qual o filme é apenas baseado no conto, busca-se pensar como os contextos culturais dos artistas e os potenciais representativos das mídias em jogo ressignificam leituras que se materializam criando uma interpenetração dos discursos artísticos. Portanto, o presente trabalho empenha-se em apresentar leituras cruzadas que possibilitam compreender o tratamento de questões culturais representadas no conto pelo ponto de vista dos recursos cinematográficos e o mesmo ao revés.The main object of study assumed in this paper are the media and semiotic dialogues of the relationship literature-cinema having cultural contexts as backround. From multiple factors and study models which include cinema, the aim is to analyze the movement of the creative process between the works "La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y su abuela desalmada" (1972) by García Márquez and the film Eréndira (1983) by Ruy Guerra. In addition to looking after a relationship of analysis in which the film is only based on the story, it is sought to think how the cultural contexts of the artists and the potential representatives of the media resignify readings that are materialized by creating an interpenetration of the artistic discourses. Therefore, this paper strives to present cross-readings that make it possible to understand treatments of cultural issues in the story from the point of view of cinematographic resources and the same in reverse

    Fault Current Capability Assessment of Low-Voltage side Inverters in Smart-Transformers

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    The Smart Transformer (ST) arises as one promising solution for the modern electric grid by providing ancillary services to support AC and DC distribution grid. In this context, as the classical low-frequency transformer (LFT), the ST is prone to experience overload conditions caused by faults and peak loads. However, unlike the LFT, the overcurrent capability of the ST is further limited by the thermal time constant of the power semiconductors. Thus, since the overload operation has been only partially investigated, this paper proposes and presents a comprehensive analysis of the LV-side power converter under normal and overload conditions to estimate its overcurrent capability. For this purpose, the LV-side inverter is assessed in terms of power losses considering continuous and discontinuous modulation strategies and different power semiconductor technologies along with multiple types of cooling systems

    A segurança humana na política externa da União Africana : análise da cooperação entre China e África a partir da perspectiva pós-ocidental (2002-2018)

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    O fim da Guerra Fria foi acompanhado pela emergência de novos desafios securitários aos países africanos, como a eclosão de guerras civis e o terrorismo. Em 2000, a criação da União Africana – expressão política do Renascimento Africano – representou uma tentativa de responder a estas e a outras dificuldades continentais, no intuito de superar a instabilidade política regional e promover o desenvolvimento. Para tanto, foi introduzido o paradigma da segurança humana na Arquitetura Africana de Paz e Segurança, destacando-se as implicações mútuas entre segurança e desenvolvimento. Esse movimento de renovação africana coincidiu com a retomada da relevância estratégica do continente africano no século XXI, no âmbito da “nova corrida para a África”, cenário no qual a China tem despontado como um dos países mais atuantes na região. A ascensão internacional chinesa, por sua vez, tem sido uma das expressões das transformações globais em direção a um mundo menos centrado nas nações ocidentais. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetiva analisar de que forma a União Africana, no âmbito da cooperação sino-africana, busca fortalecer a segurança humana na África e, assim, consiga reposicionar o continente na emergente Ordem pós-Ocidental. A pesquisa vale-se do método histórico e de uma abordagem qualitativa. Parte-se da hipótese de que a União Africana, nas suas relações com a China, utiliza o nexo entre segurança e desenvolvimento, sintetizado na noção de segurança humana, como uma das estratégias para superar os desafios continentais e reforçar sua posição internacional. A coincidência entre as perspectivas africanas e chinesas (esta sob a política da “paz por meio do desenvolvimento”) evidencia a existência de estratégias comuns para a superação da instabilidade regional e para a promoção do desenvolvimento. Embora a China disponha de grande peso político e econômico, os atores africanos – em especial a UA – também têm conseguido exercer maior capacidade de agência no âmbito dessa relação, extraindo vantagens para seus objetivos regionais e de reinserção internacional.The end of the Cold War was accompanied by the emergence of new security challenges for African countries, such as the outbreak of civil wars and terrorism. In 2000, the creation of the African Union – a political expression of the African Renaissance – represented an attempt to respond to these and other continental difficulties, in order to overcome regional political instability and promote development. To this end, the paradigm of human security was introduced in the African Peace and Security Architecture, highlighting the mutual implications between security and development. This movement of African renewal coincided with the resumption of the strategic relevance of the African continent in the 21st century, within the scope of the “new scramble for Africa”, a scenario in which China has emerged as one of the most active countries in the region. The international rise of China, in turn, has been one of the expressions of global transformations towards a world less centered on Western nations. In this context, the present work aims to analyze how the African Union, within the scope of Sino-African cooperation, seeks to strengthen human security in Africa and, thus, manage to reposition the continent in the emerging post-Western Order. The research uses the historical method and a qualitative approach. It holds the hypothesis that the African Union, in its relations with China, uses the nexus between security and development, summarized in the notion of human security, as one of the strategies to overcome continental challenges and strengthen its international position. The coincidence between the African and Chinese perspectives (the latter under the policy of “peace through development”) evidences the existence of common strategies for overcoming regional instability and for promoting development. Although China has great political and economic weight, African actors – in particular the AU – have also managed to exercise greater agency within this relationship, extracting advantages for their regional and international reintegration objectives

    A tipificação do terrorismo no Brasil : um esforço desnecessário

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2014.Apresenta estudo na área de Direito Penal referente à tipificação do terrorismo no Brasil. As premissas são a complexidade do termo terrorismo e a dificuldade de defini-lo. O objetivo é analisar a possibilidade e a necessidade de tipificar o terrorismo no Brasil. Identifica usos e significados políticos do termo durante a história. Aponta os principais aspectos do instituto segundo os estudos acadêmicos. Apresenta as definições mais usadas pelas resoluções e tratados no âmbito da Organização das Nações Unidas, União Europeia e MERCOSUL. Identifica padrões de conceitos na legislação de países selecionados. Apresenta o tratamento do tema pela legislação brasileira. Analisa os projetos de lei em tramitação que tipificam o terrorismo no Brasil. Aponta os defeitos estruturais de tipos penais que envolvam o termo. Relaciona as iniciativas de criminalização do terrorismo com o populismo penal e o direito penal do inimigo. Apresenta alternativas à tipificação. Conclui pela indefinição conceitual de terrorismo nos aspectos político, acadêmico e jurídico-legal. Propõe não incluir o terrorismo em tipos penais.Study in criminal law area concerning the criminalization of terrorism in Brazil. The premises are the complexity of terrorism and difficult to define it. The purpose is to examine the possibility and the need to typify terrorism in Brazil. Identifies uses and political meant to the term in history. Points out main features of the subject according to the academics. Shows the most important definitions in resolutions and treaties in the scope of the United Nations, European Union and Mercosur. Identifies concepts patterns in the legislation of selected countries. Displays the topic of the treatment under Brazilian Law. Analyzes pending law projects that typify terrorism in Brazil. Points out structural defects of criminal definitions involving the term. Relates the criminal populism and the Law of The Enemy to the criminalization of terrorism. Presents alternatives instead a criminal definition. Concludes for the conceptual vagueness of terrorism in political, academic and legal aspects. Proposes not include terrorism in criminal legislation